Davis Grubb
«Pendi, pendu, pendant ! Vois ce qu'a fait celui qui pend. Pendu, pendi, pendant ! Vois le voleur se balançant ! C'était la chanson que chantaient les enfants : tous les enfants du débarcadère de Cresap sauf, bien entendu John et Pearl.» Car leur père qui s'était promis de ne plus voir des gamins mourant de faim a fini au bout d'une corde. Et parce qu'il a planqué un magot, ses orphelins vont croiser la route meurtrière de Prêcheur. Son charme. Sa si belle voix. Sa violence cachée... John, neuf ans, devra se défendre seul et protéger sa soeur. Il devra résister au charme immonde du Mal, être plus fort que sa naïve mère, que les odieux voisins... Il devra fuir pour survivre, pour tenir sa promesse...»
The bestselling, National Book Award-finalist novel that inspired Charles Laughton's expressionist horror classic starring Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters. T5wo young children, Pearl and John Harper, are being raised alone by their mother in Cresap's Landing, Ohio. Their father Ben has just been executed for killing two men in the course of an armed robbery. Ben never told anyone where he hid the ten thousand dollars he stole; not his widow Willa, not his lawyer, nor his cell-mate Henry «Preacher» Powell. But Preacher, with his long history of charming his way into widows' hearts and lives, has an inkling that Ben's money could be within his reach. As soon as he is free, Preacher makes his way up the river to visit the Harper family where - he hopes - a little child shall lead him to the fortune that he seeks.